At CVS we offer a range of cattle services including:

  • Herd health visits (parasite control, vaccination advice)
  • Pregnancy diagnosis with ultrasound or manually
  • Bull Breeding Soundness Exams (BBSE's)
  • Artificial Insemination Programs
  • Calving assistance
  • Calf medicine, advice treatment and inpatient care
  • Downer cow management 
  • Surgical procedures
  • Nutritional advice
  • Disease investigation (sudden death, pestivirus herd profiling)

Pregnancy Diagnosis

Pregnancy testing is an essential part of running a productive and economically viable beef or dairy herd.

Beef breeders should be pregnancy tested 6-8 weeks after bull removal, especially in drought conditions. CVS uses both state of the art ultrasound and manual palpation for reliable and accurate pregnancy diagnosis.

Feedlots are now requesting Australian Cattle Vets certificates for feeder heifers and CVS has accredited vets who can supply these tags and certificates. We are competitive on price and provide you with the confidence of an accredited national pregnancy diagnosis scheme (PregCHECK), plus reproduction and nutrition expertise and experience.


Bull Testing

We encourage annual bull breeding soundness examinations (BBSE) to determine a bull's capacity to join and impregnate cows. If a bull meets the minimum standards of this testing then it has a high probability of being fertile. The use of bulls without pre-purchase or pre-joining breeding soundness examination creates the risk of poor conception rates which will not be detected until pregnancy diagnosis after the joining window. This imposes prolonged costs on the beef enterprise, particularly during a period of herd rebuilding.

BBSE's involve an assessment of viability and activity of the bull's semen, and physical assessment of the reproductive organs, including scrotal circumference measurements. It also valuates the structural sound of the bull in terms of feet, legs and mobility.

When should I test my Bulls?

  • Prior to the sale of bulls
  • Prior to purchasing a breeding bull
  • Prior to starting the annual joining period
  • In cases where lower than expected pregnancy diagnosis results occur
  • In cases where lower than average calving rates occur